🇨🇭 I am not prepared

6 weeks have gone by since my last update, and I am not any any shape or form ready for Switzerland. I have put in some work. A couple of rides on Zwift and a couple of 10k runs. At best, maintenance. Nothing that is close to building up fitness.

A lot of time has been taken up at work but the successful completion of the work project makes this Swiss holiday a great antidote. Another reason is flu. I have had two bouts – one just after returning from Paris/London and one that just happened two days ago. I am still slightly under the weather, and wondering how will I be turning the cranks in less than 24 hours.

I am hoping that the Swiss route , which is significantly less punishing than the Italian one, would offer some respite for the lack of preparation and subpar health. I will have to take it easy. Maybe a couple of van rides during periods where I am not feeling up to it. I am more excited that my wife will be riding along on an e-bike.

Some work has gone into logistical prep. My wife and I will be extending the trip for another week post cycling to have my daughter and her family over. We will be backpacking. A lot of thought has gone into making the second week backpackable.

There are plenty of unknowns ahead. First trip with a kid but without a car and backpacking. Having to rely on the Swiss train system which I hear is comprehensive but can face multiple delays. But I am looking forward to the scenery, cooler weather and a well timed break. Update after the trip!

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