Quick update

Perfect jogging weather in London

It has been busy! Again. This year is a little different and there have been more to do than just work. Here are some key bits.

  • New approach appears to work. Less focus on mileage has mentally lifted me. Earlier this year I was managing shorter but more frequent workouts.  I found a couple of Zwift training plans that comprised of 30-40 min workouts. I also had a few quick runs. Keeping fit without getting drained out felt great. I will continue with this. Still maintaining my monthly 100k ride and 10k runs.
  • Flu and holidays. Unfortunately, I have been out for a total of four weeks due to flu. A week in January and three weeks in March. The March one was pretty nasty. I had a week of chills (super rare for me), then a stomach flu bug, and finally a typical upper respiratory tract infection. Thereafter, I had 2.5 weeks in Paris and London for a family holiday. Interestingly, fitness did not dip that badly. I managed two runs in London. The first felt tough. Second one was ok though. Biggest concern is weight. I put on a kilo during the holiday. Need to get it off.
  • Switzerland in 6 weeks. I will be riding in Switzerland with my wife soon! It is a group trip and she will be on an e-bike. I am expecting this to be easier than the Italian alps. But there is still some work to be done. These 6 weeks will be all about gradual increases in fitness. A bit tricky because it coincides with an expected uptick in the office.

Will post an update closer to the Swiss trip!

Post holiday slow grind!

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