Looking Back at 2019 and Ahead to 2020

The 2019 season is over for me. I underwent a long awaited corrective surgery for my right middle ear earlier this month. (I was born with only 1.5 out of 3 middle ear bones.) This means a recovery period of minimal physical activity for a month to two months. With that in mind, let’s review the targets set for 2019:

  1. Maintain fitness with a reduced cycling mileage of 4000km and running mileage of 150km.
  2. Weekend overseas trips.
  3. Involve my wife more in cycling and possibly cycle overseas together.


Just like 2018, I met half of the goals. 2019 was a tough one in terms of maintaining fitness levels. I thought getting married and moving into my own place in 2018 was disruptive, 2019 was worse. My responsibilities at work mounted and eviscerated my weekday training time. I was left with weekends which was mostly taken by home duties and the need to rest and recharge.  In end 2018, I targeted to cover 4000km of cycling mileage and 150km of running mileage. I scrapped past the cycling goal with 4094km and flew past the running goal with 307km. (Running was far easier because of the relatively lesser amount of time needed compared to cycling.) My cycle mileage was saved by indoor training.

I could only afford time for one weekend overseas trip to Batam. And even that was a struggle. I remember holding on with a bad stomach and driving through the rain on rolling terrain.

Given the difficulties in getting myself to get some outdoor riding done, I could not move the wife either. But we did quite a number of runs together which is good cause she enjoys running a lot more than cycling.


2020 will be a better year. My huge work project in 2019 is done and dusted. While work responsibilities are likely to continue scaling up, I should be more in control of my time. I am pushing for a 5000km (97km/week) cycling mileage and a 200km (4km/week) running mileage. But I have to bear in mind that my surgery recovery could well take till end Jan. So I am a month down.

Secondly, more overseas riding. I will also be heading to Italy for some epic climbs in late May 2020. I also want to participate a bit more in group cycling. Nothing pushes you harder than that. I hope to cycle overseas with my wife as well and am searching for a place with easy terrain (pretty hard to find one that is easier than flat Singapore).

Thirdly, I want to try eat a little cleaner. Going to try some home made meal prep and also order in healthy options.

Gear wise. I am sure some gear will trickle in but my gear hunting bug was mostly left un-triggered in 2018 and I am confident about working on riding up grades rather than buying upgrades.

Hope to report back favourably next year!

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